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You are invited to attend a Pathways Institute 2019 Fall preview and reception to “kick off” the upcoming term of exciting opportunities planned through the Pathways Institute for Lifelong Learning®!  This event will be held at Calvary Church located at 1051 Landis Valley Road, Lancaster on Tuesday, July 23, 2019 from 1:30 – 3:30 pm. 

The program will begin at 1:30 pm with a welcome and introductory comments. Instructors will be introduced briefly and each will announce the title of what they will present in the fall.

Following the program, the tables around the perimeter of the auditorium will be used by instructors to display items and answer questions about upcoming classes/programs. The fall Pathways Institute catalogs will be distributed, delicious desserts will be served, and the registration process will begin.

Please RSVP to Ms. Alice Whitman at 717.569.3271 (ext. 3060) or respond via email to awhitman@landishomes.org by Tuesday, July 16.

The church is located within a few miles of Landis Homes, and parking accommodations are excellent. For a map and detailed directions, please consult www.calvarychurch.org

*If you cannot attend, new catalogs can be picked up at Landis Homes or mailed upon request. Catalog offerings can also be viewed on the Pathways Institute website at: www.ThePathwaysInstitute.org

Click here to view the Pathways Institute website.

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