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Update from Dave Albright, Director of Project Management with EG Stoltzfus

The earthwork continues, and we are in the process of installing the retaining walls throughout the site so that grading can be completed. We are also working on installing the sanitary sewer mains and manholes. Rock removal is taking place to prepare for the installation of the various underground utilities. Work on the foundations is projected to begin at the end of this month or the first week of February depending on the weather.

The wet weather has resulted in sub-standard soil conditions causing a minor delay in the schedule for a few weeks. We always anticipate that winter weather could have some impact on the schedule, but we will work to recover that time when the conditions improve in the spring. With the unpredictable weather, we must wait to commit to a specific completion date until we are confident that those dates are firm. We will know more about the timeline when the homes have been framed.  

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